This plugin is meant to replace the previously used (with success) exec type for managing GlassFish domains:
$passfile = "/home/gfish/.aspass"
$portbase = "4900"
$asadmin = "/opt/NSBglassfish/bin/asadmin"
$domaindir = "/opt/NSBglassfish/glassfish/domains"
exec {
command => "$asadmin --user admin --passwordfile $passfile create-domain --profile cluster --portbase $portbase --savelogin $name",
user => "admin",
creates => "$domaindir/$name";
his new resource type allows for more functionality and expressive clarity than the exec type. For example, it allows you to easily delete the domain by using the
ensure => absent
property. This is how one specifies a new GlassFish domain with this:glassfish {
portbase => "4800",
adminuser => "admin",
passwordfile => "/home/gfish/.aspass",
profile => "cluster",
ensure => present;
ensure => absent;
I plan to add more features to it, such as adding system-properties and jvm-options.